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Hiking in Georgia is inspiring, known for its hospitable receptions, high mountains, ancient valleys, mineral clear waters and incredible autumn. Everyone dreams of a walking and exciting vacation in Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Mestia, Borjomi, Bakuriani, Kobuleti, at the top of the Svan ridge, Lake Koruldi, as well as viewing ancient castles.

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When we were still dating, my husband taught me how his family made Brazilian-style black beans when he was growing up. His aunt showed me how to make black beans in the slow cooker. Before that, I thought beans had to cook them in a pressure cooker to get them soft like the canned beans we bought. High five! We eat them throughout the week either as a side on top of rice, in soup, or one of my favorite ways, mixed with quinoa and salsa for breakfast. There are a few secrets to making awesome slow cooker black beans, and it applies to other types of beans and legumes too.

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В Петропавловске живет девочка с синдромом Дауна Татьяна Швец, которая готовится к открытию собственной фермы, где будет выращивать кур, гусей, индюков и перепелок. Корреспондент Tengrinews. Как в итоге сложилась жизнь Татьяны О том, что у дочки синдром Дауна, Анастасия Швец, мама девочки, узнала уже после ее рождения, в роддоме. Результат нужно было ждать месяц. Но в роддоме мне сразу сказали: "Это овощ!

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